Our philosophy in reestablishing health is treating the whole person - mind, body, and spirit. If there are issues with our spiritual health, these problems will affect the mind, which in turn, has a powerful effect on the body. Neglecting one aspect of our being will lead to a deficiency in others, so when a holistic (whole person) approach is followed, both the root issue, and the symptomatic issues that follow it, are alike addressed.

Things we don't do:
-Prescribe or Advise to Discontinue Medications
-Lab work (blood tests, urinalysis, biopsies etc.)
-Replace your doctor

While we all know modern medicine has its many problems, pitfalls and outright dangers, we recognise that within the industry, there are also incredible technologies, excellent physicians, and sound methodologies for the treating of disease. Acute and serious diseases should always involve a medically trained doctor; if a wrong judgment is made in these cases, the results can be fatal. In the case of serious physiological conditions (cancer, heart disease, diabetes I, respiratory diseases), we always defer to conventional medicine first, and work to treat these conditions in cooperation with your doctor's advice.

Things we do:
-Ascertain the root cause of disease
-Correct contributing conditions and habits
-Assist nature in recovery of health

Natural protocols shine where relief from what are termed "lifestyle diseases" is required without the use of drugs. Almost all diseases are a result of transgression of natural laws, and when obedience to these laws is put into practice, disease is removed and health is the result. Our focus is to remove conditions that place an individual at risk of disease such as: high blood pressure, obesity, nutrient deficiencies, high blood sugar, stress, emotional imbalances, addictions and sinful habits. Once we identify and address these causes of disease, we can move to assisting the body in healing itself by using natural techniques such as: nutrition therapy, hydrotherapy, massage, and counselling in the areas of lifestyle, mental health, and spiritual health.

MPS Program protocol:
1. Physical exam, history, diagnosis
2. Creation of individualised wellness plan
3. Enactment of treatment plan during your stay, including: prayer, counselling, exercise program, juicing, fasting, therapeutic diet plan, hot and cold shower therapy, sitz baths, sauna, swimming, colonics, deep tissue massage, educational workshops and cooking demonstrations.
4. Work with you to ensure consistent obedience to curative and preventative health principles after you leave Little Eden.

With us working together with you and God, we are confident you can find the mental, physical, and spiritual health you are seeking. The combination of a beautiful, natural setting, friendship, good food, remedial techniques, and time with God will have a lifetime benefit on your mind and body, as well as, God willing, producing an eternal benefit for your soul. Join us on the adventure to discovering health, peace, and everlasting happiness.

Eden MPS Program